Neurological rehabilitation after accidents, strokes in clinics abroad
86 clinics abroad specialized in all medical issues. Trusted feedbacks and clients reviews about doctors, clinics, general staff.
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Neurological rehabilitation after accidents, strokes in leading medical centres abroad

➤ Neurological rehabilitation after accidents, strokes ➤ 86 clinics Addresses $ Prices for treatments and diagnostics ☺ 245 reviews ✎ Make an appointment ✉ 713 patients are sent for treatment

Neurological rehabilitation after an accident, stroke is a required element of treatment of injuries of the Central nervous system. It is typically used when violations motility, paralysis and other pathological conditions. By a correct selection of restorative manipulations, immobilized patients after a stroke or accident muscle appears static within 2 – 4 months of treatment. This is the first sign of recovery of motor skills.

You are faced with the problem of paralysis? Experience the difficulties of caring for immobile relative, but not tired to hope for a miracle recovery? So, it's time to find experts in neurological rehabilitation. They will help to fully or partially restore the disturbed functions of the body.

Neurological rehabilitation – a set of measures designed for the partial or full recovery of body functions that have been lost subsequently, damage to the nervous system.

We found 86 clinics specialized in neurological rehabilitation after accidents, strokes with cumulative rating
The Institute of medicine Medanta specialised on Neurological rehabilitation after accidents, strokes
The Institute of medicine Medanta is one of the largest medical complexes in the country, where specialists are not only cure many diseases but also are engaged in research work. Many doctors here are professional development, as well as professors ...
Contact clinic
+74954812786​ (free)
English speaking staff
National medical surgical center named after N. And. Pirogov specialised on Neurological rehabilitation after accidents, strokes
National medical surgical center named after N. And. Pirogov is considered a leading diversified medical institution of Russia. Medical center has been operating for over one hundred years, has its own Museum in St. Peterburge, a rich history and ...
Contact clinic
+74954812786​ (free)
English speaking staff
Medic Centre specialised on Neurological rehabilitation after accidents, strokes
The clinic is located on the Baltic sea coast and provides a full range of rehabilitation services. In the treatment complex to recover from injury or surgery, to lose weight and have a good rest.
Main branches:
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+74954812786​ (free)
English speaking staff
Urash university clinic specialised on Neurological rehabilitation after accidents, strokes
University hospital URSA Bydgoszcz - multi-state medical institution of Poland. The clinic provides comprehensive servants for the treatment of children on a global level.
Main branches:
Oncology , Surgery , Pediatrics
Contact clinic
+74954812786​ (free)
English speaking staff
Rehabilitation center Rehomed specialised on Neurological rehabilitation after accidents, strokes
Rehabilitation center Rehomed is a world - class clinic that provides services for the rehabilitation of patients after surgeries, accidents, injuries. In the centre is taken not only adults but also children.
Contact clinic
+74954812786​ (free)
English speaking staff
Marzenia (DREAMS) REHABILITATION CENTER specialised on Neurological rehabilitation after accidents, strokes
Rehabilitation center Dreams (Marzenia Centrum rehabilitacji) provides unique medical services to children and adolescents with cerebral palsy and other disorders of the musculoskeletal system. The centre uses the latest unique methods and ...
Main branches:
Rehabilitation , Pediatrics
Contact clinic
+74954812786​ (free)
English speaking staff
Hospital Sant Rafal specialised on Neurological rehabilitation after accidents, strokes
Hospital Sant Rafal has a wide range of services world-class quality in almost all areas of medicine.
Main branches:
Oncology , Orthopedics , Surgery
Contact clinic
+74954812786​ (free)
English speaking staff
Neurological rehabilitation center Friedehorst specialised on Neurological rehabilitation after accidents, strokes
Medical center Friedehorst offers to clients services for the rehabilitation and treatment of various degree of complexity. The clinic employs highly qualified specialists and modern equipment allows to accurately determine the diagnosis and offer ...
Main branches:
Rehabilitation , Therapy
Contact clinic
+74954812786​ (free)
English speaking staff
I came to Dr. Crowely when I was in a difficult situation with a double leg fracture, a torn meniscus but still the problems associated with the old injury, once treated it in some way. Really liked how the clinic everything is clearly organized, attitude to patients excellent. The level of medicine is much higher than ours, it can not be doubted. So go for treatment in Israel or not – I have no doubts. To return to the sport was for me at that time the only purpose in life. And I have reached.
The Sports clinic in Żory, I had surgery about habitual dislocation of the shoulder. In this state I have lived over 5 years after he completed a career. At first it seems tolerable – off every six months, and then increasingly more often. In the end I had to do strengthening capsules and transplantation of the parts of the joint. The result is fully satisfied. The main thing – the shoulder in place, will not "running away."
Went for treatment in a targeted way to Henrik's Leg. Already two of our team, he carried out operations back in operation guys in situations when they were threatened with a wheelchair or at best crutches until the end of days. My situation was not so difficult, but I decided not to risk it. Today only the third day after the operation, and the mobility of the foot is almost recovered. Very satisfied.
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