Coronary stenting in clinics abroad
167 clinics abroad specialized in all medical issues. Trusted feedbacks and clients reviews about doctors, clinics, general staff.
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Coronary stenting in leading medical centres abroad

➤ Coronary stenting ➤ 167 clinics Addresses $ Prices for treatments and diagnostics ☺ 481 reviews ✎ Make an appointment ✉ 1,567 patients are sent for treatment


studies show that coronary stenting yields excellent results: in 90% of patients after surgery there is a persistent improvement of the health and normalization of blood circulation.

Coronary stenting improves the quality of life for persons suffering from frequent attacks of angina, had a heart attack or other abnormalities. However, after stenting the patients should keep protivoprolezhnevyy diet, as the operation does not normalize fat metabolism.

Coronary stenting is a surgical procedure in which the lumen of the coronary arteries a stent is introduced. Entered, the stent expands, strengthening the vascular wall, resulting in blood flow is restored. recommends only those doctors and technology, which are recognized as best in the world.

We found 167 clinics specialized in coronary stenting with cumulative rating
The clinic is certified by:Joint Commission International (JCI) is the biggest and most well-known hospital accreditation provider on the international market
Assuta Medical Center specialised on Coronary stenting
24 reviews
Consulting Fees 530 $
Clinic Assuta – the most famous Israeli complex of private multidisciplinary medical institution known all over the world. Skilled professionals and advanced technology makes treatment clinics Assuta is one of the best in Israel and the world ...
Consulting Fees 530 $
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+74954812786​ (free)
English speaking staff
Clinic Preventicum specialised on Coronary stenting
Clinic offers complete diagnosis of the organism in combination with modern equipment in a relaxed atmosphere and in one place.
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+74954812786​ (free)
English speaking staff
Clinic Neuperlach specialised on Coronary stenting
A modern medical facility has the latest medical equipment, thanks to this is one of the best clinics not only in Germany but also in Europe.
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+74954812786​ (free)
English speaking staff
The clinic is certified by:ISO - leading certification platform of medical facilities involved in medical tourism and tourism medicine
Medical high school Hannover specialised on Coronary stenting
Medical high school of Hannover, is one of the leaders in their field in Germany, thanks to modern diagnostic techniques and high qualification of medical staff. The hospital has a full range of medical services, including transplantological cardiac ...
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+74954812786​ (free)
English speaking staff
HaEmek Medical Center specialised on Coronary stenting
Medical center Ha-Emek is the clinical base of medical faculty of Haifa University of technology ("Technion"). The hospital has 25 in-patient wards.
Contact clinic
+74954812786​ (free)
English speaking staff
The clinic is certified by:Joint Commission International (JCI) is the biggest and most well-known hospital accreditation provider on the international market
Clinic Fortis Of Mulund specialised on Coronary stenting
Multidisciplinary clinic consisting of 20 branches. Is the title of the best orthopedic clinics in India.
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+74954812786​ (free)
English speaking staff
University hospital Aachen specialised on Coronary stenting
University hospital Aachen is one of the most modern and largest medical centers in Europe, receiving treatment in Germany for foreigners. In 2010, the clinic participates in the project of the who "High 5s" which includes such programs as "Safe ...
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+74954812786​ (free)
English speaking staff
It so happened that for the first time in 65 years had to go abroad, the children insisted to treat my ischemia in Germany. They are now the people of the world, accustomed to fly wherever you want. Not that we old people. Impressed by the level of medicine from the Germans. I treated Dr. Beiersdorf – be attentive, not in a hurry, explains everything. It is not our grabbers (typo, but I'll leave) in heaven, which to the patient way too busy. Over the last month many have begun to understand German, in school I learned once. In General, satisfied. The kids say – get well, going to see the Emirates. A long time dream.
Peter Leonidovich
My childhood was heart problems (intermittent pain). At first it was blamed on puberty, vegetative-vascular dystonia, but by 30 I began to feel that it is time for all age-related changes to end. Only in the clinic “Vivantes” I was able to make a diagnosis. Maybe it's the equipment, which is not in Russia, may be, in respect of doctors. Now I get treated in Germany, and finally start to forget about “heart” problems.
I had a particular case of atrial fibrillation, but required surgery to repair the mitral valve. Needed an anesthesiologist, as anesthesia depended on the success of the operation. Through the portal I found a first-class specialist Ciruit Mukherjee from the clinic for cardiac surgery Karlsruhe. Two months ago, I made the intervention and the surgery was successful without any mishap. Thank you to the staff and doctors separately! Recovery period I also held in this clinic and I really liked it. Thank you.
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