One of the largest medical complexes with the laboratory and diagnostic Department, deeply studying the problems of pediatric orthopedics and resolves any questions in children's musculoskeletal structure.
The Institute of human brain them. N. P. Bekhtereva of the Russian Academy of Sciences is the leading scientific institution in Russia, which for several decades has been studying the human brain and its complex functions. The center's specialists ...
The Department of abdominal Oncology of research Institute of surgery and emergency medicine SPBGMU them. Acad. I. P. Pavlov specializing for a full diagnosis and treatment of tumors of the gastrointestinal tract.
Cancer center under the jurisdiction of the Committee on health, specializing on providing high-tech medical services to cancer patients, the development of preventive interventions for early detection of disease, diagnosis, treatment, and ...
Specializes in planning, emergency and laparoscopic methods of surgery, also has experience in working in areas endovideosurgery, Coloproctology and Anesthesiology and Resuscitation.
Baindurashvili Alexei G. - doctor of traumatology and orthopedics, has the highest qualifications, a surgeon, head of Scientific Research Institute of Traumatology in St. Petersburg. Treats children fractures, sprains, burns, trauma, congenital abnormalities.