Department of abdominal Oncology of research Institute of surgery and emergency medicine SPBGMU them. Acad. I. P. Pavlova performs diagnosis and complex treatment of cancer of the gastrointestinal tract. The clinic has all the capabilities to provide quality services to cancer patients.
theDoctors abdominal Oncology treat cancer of the esophagus, stomach, intestines, pancreas, gall-stone disease and hernias of the abdomen. During the work they use of chemotherapy and radiation therapy, and surgical radionucleide methods, NMR spectroscopy in vivo.
In the detection of malignant tumors of the doctors of the Center for abdominal Oncology helps high-precision diagnostic equipment for a CT-scan, ECG, Doppler, Echo, bronhografii, fluoroscopy, ultrasound, angiography, mammography, ultrasound, tomography, thermography, etc.
In the Center of abdominal Oncology is a preference for minimally invasive and organ-preserving surgery methods of surgery. This ensures a speedy recovery and preserve the quality of life of patients.
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