Among the benign tumors of the female organs leads uterine fibroids. Less than 1% occur in women under 20 years, the main contingent - 32-33 years. In different regions of the planet myoma of the uterus is between 12 and 25% of all gynecological ailments.
the Perfidy of uterine fibroids is that it starts stealthily, asymptomatic. However, tumors often themselves "lead". When fibroids or their number become larger, then start the complaints of too heavy periods, pain and heaviness in the lower abdomen. To the gynecologist it is necessary just the same to run, and the word "tumor" should spur you.
fibroids in the uterus treated by surgical or produce only the cutting of nodes is done either hysterectomy the uterus is removed. recommends only those doctors and technology, which are recognized as best in the world.
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