liver Cancer is common worldwide. And it is predictable, because the main cause of liver cancer, are common in the world chronic viral hepatitis B and C. Other causes of liver cancer are: liver cirrhosis, alcohol abuse, toxic and drug hepatitis, use of steroid hormones and the intake of food containing aflatoxins. Diabetes and obesity can also be factors contributing to the development of cancer process in the liver. Hepatocellular carcinoma is the most common form of liver cancer, the cancer arises from damaged by viruses or toxic substances in liver cells. Another less commonly seen form of cancer is cholangiocarcinoma, or cancer of the bile ducts. recommends only those doctors and technology, which are recognized as best in the world.
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tumors of the liver may be secondary is metastasis from cancer of other organs, occurring in the late stages of cancer of the stomach, intestines, breast and lungs. Liver metastases, or secondary liver cancer is more common than primary cancer arising from liver cells and bile ducts. From the exact determination of the causes of tumors and evaluation of cancer prevalence depends on the correct treatment.
1. Fibroscan is a technology using special ultrasound waves that help to assess the tissue structure of the liver and to diagnose cirrhosis. High-frequency ultrasound is used to detect various problems in liver, bile duct and other abdominal organs.
2. CT scan - a medical imaging procedure that uses x-rays and digital computer technology to detect problems in the liver and abdominal organs. CT is used to confirm and determine the size of the tumor. Modern CT scanners are low radiation and the possibility of constructing multidimensional models of the investigated organ. For more accurate cancer imaging of the liver using contrast agents that absorb tumor cells, allowing you to clearly see the malignant process.
3. MRI is an additional imaging technique of liver cancer and size of the malignancy.
4. PET - CT scan evaluates the spread of cancer to the liver (metastases). Using PET-CT it is possible to determine the Tuesday of liver cancer and to detect the precise localization of the primary tumor.
5. The main marker of liver cancer alpha-fetoprotein is determined by a blood test, other blood tests to assess liver function and the patient's condition, When any disease of the liver is obligatory to perform testing for viral hepatitis B and C.
6. A liver biopsy is done by holding a thin needle through the abdomen directly into the tumor. A biopsy is needed to confirm the diagnosis of liver cancer and planning of required treatment. A liver biopsy is performed under ultrasound control. Biopsy is performed not in every case of liver cancer, often for confirmation of the diagnosis enough of the above studies.
liver Cancer does not cause any noticeable symptoms at an early stage. Therefore, the particular importance played by the timely treatment of diseases often leads to the development of liver cancer. However, the following symptoms will be present in case of liver cancer:
liver cancer Treatment abroad - is an innovative procedure with minimal intervention and cooperation of physicians from different areas of medicine: Hepatology, Oncology, radiology, Virology, and clinical pharmacology. To modern methods of treatment of liver cancer, in the international clinics of Israel, Germany, Korea and India include:
Prevention is better than cure. But when treatment is necessary, therapy may be most effective if liver cancer is detected at an early stage. Up to 90% of cases of liver cancer caused by viral hepatitis. For this reason offers affordable international hospital to perform a full examination and apply cheap modern medicines for the treatment of chronic viral hepatitis. We are leaders in providing quality and affordable treatment to patients with chronic viral hepatitis, thereby contributing to prevention of liver cancer.
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