Breast cancer treatment in city Dusseldorf
12,086 patients are sent for treatment

Breast cancer treatment in clinics of Dusseldorf

➤ Breast cancer treatment in clinics of Dusseldorf ➤ 63 clinics Addresses $ Prices for treatments and diagnostics ☺ 192 reviews ✎ Make an appointment ✉ 12,086 patients are sent for treatment

breast Cancer is one of the most studied in Oncology. There is no reason to despair after learning about the diagnosis of breast cancer, but the correct solution is to understand all the available features of modern breast cancer treatment in specialized clinics all over the world. We recommend you the best mammologists-oncologists, surgeons, radiologists, oncologists-chemioterapico, radiologists and specialists in the field of genetic-molecular diagnosis of cancer. Before you make a decision about the treatment of breast cancer, we suggest you make sure that technology is the most advanced, and least invasive treatment as possible given the stage of the disease. In addition, after the main stage of treatment associated with removal of the tumor, we recommend an experienced plastic surgeons offering several options for breast reconstruction using adipose tissue, skin graft and new breast implants. recommends only those doctors and technology, which are recognized as best in the world.

We found 63 clinics specialized in breast cancer with cumulative rating
The clinic is certified by:Joint Commission International (JCI) is the biggest and most well-known hospital accreditation provider on the international market
Best choice!
The Charité Clinic specialised on treatment breast cancer
3 reviews
Consulting Fees 500 $
The Berlin Charite hospital (hospital of charity or love of neighbor — French Charité) is the most famous University clinic of Germany in Europe, founded in 1710 and is one of the oldest traditional medical institutions in Germany. The complex ...
Consulting Fees 500 $
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+74954812786​ (free)
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The clinic is certified by:Joint Commission International (JCI) is the biggest and most well-known hospital accreditation provider on the international market
Reliable alternative!
The Helios clinic Berlin-Buch (HELIOS-BUCH) specialised on treatment breast cancer
A Multidisciplinary Helios clinic Berlin-Buch (HELIOS-BUCH) included in the group of private clinics HELIOS Hospital Group (Germany) - one of the largest healthcare corporations in Europe. The clinic provides patients services in virtually all areas ...
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+74954812786​ (free)
English speaking staff
Clinic Northwest specialised on treatment breast cancer
Northwest clinic is a modern multidisciplinary clinic at the academic hospital at Frankfurt University Goethe. Northwest hospital has 10 specialized medical clinics and 3 scientifically oriented Institute, offering medical services and care at the ...
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+74954812786​ (free)
English speaking staff
University hospital Aachen specialised on treatment breast cancer
University hospital Aachen is one of the most modern and largest medical centers in Europe, receiving treatment in Germany for foreigners. In 2010, the clinic participates in the project of the who "High 5s" which includes such programs as "Safe ...
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+74954812786​ (free)
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Heidelberg University hospital specialised on treatment breast cancer
One of the oldest medical institutions in Germany. specializing for the treatment of cancer and cardiovascular diseases, as well as a leader in the field of neuroscience, transplantation, genetics, and treatment of infectious diseases.
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+74954812786​ (free)
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Evangelistic medical clinic Hubertus specialised on treatment breast cancer
The evangelistic medical clinic Hubertus - part of the complex of medical centers of the charité. Spetsializiruetsya treatment proctology, dermatology, Nephrology, Oncology, gastroenterology. Institution certified by the KTQ quality that allows you ...
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+74954812786​ (free)
English speaking staff
The clinic is certified by:Joint Commission International (JCI) is the biggest and most well-known hospital accreditation provider on the international market
International medical centre ", Vivantes" (Berlin) specialised on treatment breast cancer
The German health network , Vivantes" is the largest state network of clinics in Germany. Serving 500,000 patients annually, "Vivantes" is a leading group of hospitals in Berlin where he works a more than 13 000 employees, 9 locations in which a ...
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+74954812786​ (free)
English speaking staff
Medical Center Women's University Ewha specialised on treatment breast cancer
Seoul medical center Women's University, Ewha is one of the best hospitals for women throughout the country. Hospital provides its patients comprehensive services in such areas as Oncology, diagnostics, gynecology, transplant, cardiology, cardiac ...
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+74954812786​ (free)
English speaking staff

We found 1 clinic specialized in Oncology in Germany


Diagnosis of breast cancer

In many respects, the tactics of treatment of breast cancer is based on correct diagnosis of the tumor. Verification of the obtained sample of tumor tissue can identify malignant breast cancer cells special receptors (proteins) that are sensitive to new targeted drugs, hormones, chemotherapy. the So personalized, and therefore more effective treatment may be carried out only after receiving the biopsy results, which do not need to be afraid. Biopsy in modern clinics is performed using a very fine needle and under the control of imaging equipment (x-ray, ultrasound). In addition, the results of the biopsy can be obtained within 30 minutes, this is especially important when there is no time to wait and decided on the surgical treatment of the tumor. In this case, already during the operation will be known the nature of the tumor, and hence further treatment is determined without delay.

we emphasize again that the correct treatment of breast cancer must be personalized, when you say — "we have the cancer Protocol" — this means that it should be applied only after the cytogenetic studies of the obtained sample of the tumor. Otherwise there is a risk of General toxic effects of chemotherapy drugs and low their selective effect on the tumor. We say this because, faced with such cases in their practice and it is our duty to tell about the correctness of modern approaches to the diagnosis and treatment of breast cancer.

Breast cancer treatment in clinics of Dusseldorf

in addition to the biopsy, not least the visualization, or in other words — the discovery of the tumor in the breast tissue with the help of modern equipment. Mammography with tomosynthesis is a multi — dimensional study of the tissues of the breast, is like conventional mammography, only more comfortable for women and more valuable to a doctor. As modern three-dimensional imaging will not miss any (even the smallest) tumor of the breast. This method is good not only to detect tumor, but also for routine checks due to which breast cancer was detected in its early stages, therefore, treatment and consequences of cancer may be minimal.

Breast cancer treatment in clinics of Dusseldorf

To detect a possible spread of cancer cells in the nearest lymph nodes (suspected), biopsy and possible removal of sentinel lymph nodes In some Western hospitals and Israeli hospitals, and more recently in leading Russian hospitals used tactics of combining tumor removal of the breast and simultaneous removal of sentinel lymph nodes (only next to tumor nodes, which detected the cancer cells). This approach allows us to avoid dangerous and unpleasant consequences of lymphedema of hands and therefore avoid the need for long-term rehabilitation after surgical treatment. It is always important to determine the absence of tumor metastases in other parts of the body. Of course, if you consult a doctor at early stages of cancer, when you only palpation detected in the breast a small nodule "found" a half-hour of time on mammography, the search for metastases is not needed.

But we are faced, unfortunately, with advanced forms of breast cancer, when should the requirement for PET CT scan to search for distant tumors. Of course in this case there are solutions, for example, in one of the Israeli hospitals with the detection followed by multiplanar multiple cancer metastases in the brain and opportunity for one session of radiotherapy to destroy multiple metastases.

We are familiar with examples of successful treatment of breast cancer at different stages of oncological process, but we encourage all women to regular screening, breast self is a must, especially to women with family history of breast cancer (genetic predisposition). Before taking hormone replacement therapy we recommend that women from the risk group to be screened and consult a qualified endocrinologist and oncologist.

breast cancer

basically there are two forms of breast cancer.

Cancer arises in the glandular tissue is a carcinoma, which is formed in the cells of the milk ducts. Ductal carcinoma can be invasive with the potential of further distribution, or non-invasive. Any breast cancer is quite high, the chances of a cure, but a non-invasive form of carcinoma may be more amenable to treatment.

Another frequent fora cancer — lobular cancer occurs in the lobules of the breast.

Less common aggressive form of breast cancer is inflammatory cancer, the cancer spread rapidly and unusually, in a large plane. Sometimes the tumor occurs independent of hormones and are not having their cell receptor HER2, which are modern drugs that block the growth of cancer cells.

breast Cancer is not only women, are extremely rare breast cancer found in men. Statistics the detection of cancer in a strong half of mankind is incommensurable small, but such cases are, for example, in U.S. diagnosed with breast cancer annually placed more than 2,000 men.

Stage breast cancer

the Modern system of dividing the stages of development of breast cancer was developed by local oncologists, but also for its description corresponds to the full international classification about the stages of breast cancer TNM. It consists of 5 stages, since the second stage is divided into 2A and 2B phases.

1st stage — the tumor more than two cm in diameter without spread to nearby tissues and lymph nodes.

2-I And stage — tumor size from 2 to 5 cm in diameter, partially spanna with the skin metastases were not detected.

2-I In stage — the tumor has a size of about 2-5 cm in diameter, moving away from her not more than two metastases on the side of tumor localization.

stage-3 — tumor more than 5 cm in diameter, is sprouting in the skin and surrounding fat tissue. There is a symptom of umbilical is drawn into the skin over the tumor, the presence of not more than 2 metastases.

stage 4 — the cancer has spread to the entire mammary gland, the presence of extensive ulceration and distant metastases.Breast cancer treatment in clinics of Dusseldorf

the Risk of developing breast cancer

If you are concerned about a family history of breast cancer, we recommend that you clinic to undergo genetic testing and accurate determination of risk. Anything that increases the chances of occurrence of breast cancer is a risk factor:

  • the risk is higher in women older than 50 years;
  • breast cancer sometimes develops in women aged 20 years with a history of hereditary risk;
  • family history (especially mother, sister, daughter) with history of ovarian cancer or breast cancer;
  • the risk of breast cancer is higher in nulliparous women;
  • the risk is higher during menopause after 55 years;
  • at first childbirth after 30;
  • when hormonal therapy menopause;
  • after irradiation of the thorax;
  • obesity after menopause.

Other risk factors of breast cancer include:

  • the use of oral contraceptives (birth control pills);
  • a diet high in saturated fat;
  • lack of sufficient physical activity;
  • Smoking and drinking alcohol.

Research shows that many cancers can be prevented. Contact our medical advisers for more detailed information.

Common symptoms of breast cancer:

  1. change the color and shape of the nipple
  2. Increase in regional lymph nodes
  3. discharge from breast
  4. Redness, swelling of the breast
  5. Change the outlines and shape of the breast
  6. Puckering or retraction of breast skin
  7. a lump in the breast
  8. On the nipple can cause irritation or peeling occurs, often there is retraction of the nipple
  9. Swelling of axillary lymph nodes with metastasis of the tumor
  10. In the advanced form appears ulcer on the skin of the breast

breast cancer

Surgical treatment of breast cancer is one of the priority areas of treatment, as mentioned in the beginning of our article, removing only the sentinel lymph nodes and tumors affect further rehabilitation. Furthermore, the biopsy is planned surgical treatment and combined therapy. However, it should be noted that the biopsy may show a high sensitivity of the tumor to hormonal treatment and specific targeted drugs, then surgery will be minimal, and the treatment will not lose its effectiveness. In some cases it is sufficient only targeted therapy, chemotherapy, or hormonal treatment.

the Mastectomy is a major operation to remove a breast tumor. While a mastectomy removes one or two Breasts. In many clinics combine mastectomy and reconstructive surgery. Sparing surgery with preservation of the maximum of the structure of the breast is possible only in the early, first and second stage of cancer, when the process has a relatively limited localization in the breast. A survey is a decisive factor when planning the method of operation.

the Hormone therapy, for example, the drug "tamoxifen", helps to block hormones "feed" the growth of breast cancer. But as noted, hormone treatment is carried out in case of detection of hormone dependence of the tumor.

Targeted therapy (targeted therapy) breast cancer is the introduction of modern biological drugs such as "Herceptin" is a type of biological therapy, the target of which are cancer cells that produce too much protein called HER2. This protein is present in some patients with breast cancer. "Herceptin" is associated with the cell by discontinuing the production of the HER2 protein needed for tumor growth.

the Cost of treatment of breast cancer depends on the stage of the process and may be minimal in the early stages of cancer. We recommend that cancer treatment in the best clinics of Russia and abroad, with provided a personalized approach and expert choice of the clinic. We are not increasing the cost of treatment, it remains equal to the value with a direct appeal to the clinic. In contrast to the agencies of medical tourism, we provide a direct access to the best oncologists, at a lower cost medical services.

When I was diagnosed with ovarian cancer, the first reaction was of course panic, and then I Packed up and started to look for information on the Internet and on the forums. I'm still grateful to all those people who write reviews about their appeal to different professionals – I this information helped to survive. That is why I write about how I got to Israel, and how I was able to overcome the disease.The purpose of my search information on the Internet to understand where and how to treat ovarian cancer, what are my prospects in General? The important thing is that I knew we must act quickly. Of course, I wanted to go to a top specialist because of the ability to experiment just wasn't there.I immediately realized that I wanted to be treated in Israel, as there is a percentage of cure from cancer is very high, including ovarian cancer. This treatment is cheaper than, say, the USA or Germany, for me it was also an important argument. I only had to choose the doctor. About Professor Moshe Inbar had a lot of positive reviews so I decided to go for a consultation to him. I read that it shone Oncology, one of the best specialists in the country, with many titles and awards. In General, riding to the reception with understandable excitement. But it turned out that it is also a surprisingly charming person very easy to communicate with. Maybe for someone it is not important, but I think in Oncology in the possibility of simple human contact with the doctor, not the fear and dread of him and his credibility is very important.Professor appointed me to the examination (ultrasound, PET CT), which was assigned to phase 2A. The doctor explained to me that the only treatment option is removal of the uterus with appendages, but still extended operation is not required, as in the neighbouring organs cancer was not detected. Perhaps if I arrived earlier, it would be possible to limit removal of the ovary, and have lasted much longer – it would take the radiation and chemo. So I think that in some sense I was lucky, the treatment was limited to surgery, which was done quickly and very neatly. Now, when this story is over, and I can safely say that survived and beat cancer, I want to advise all women facing a similar diagnosis, don't wait and immediately contact professionals that you trust. I chose Moshe Inbar and I have not regretted.
When I was diagnosed with "cervical cancer" I was in a complete panic. Decided that the treatment will be abroad and chose Israel, Dr. Moshe Inbar. I want to say that it is not only the best specialist in Oncology, but also a very sympathetic person. All the survey I did quickly operated. It's only been 3 years, and I have become a mother to a healthy baby.
I was treated by Moshe Inbar from breast cancer, and all women who have the same problem, I advise you to address him. Even if you only consult the best specialist in this field in Israel, you will have full confidence in the correct diagnosis and how it really needs to be treated. I, for example, after the consultation, changed the stage of cancer, and therefore revised treatment – appointed additional exposure. If this is not done, the cancer would have returned.
Marina Innokentievna
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