Ophthalmology in New Delhi
4,147 patients are sent for treatment

Ophthalmology in clinics of New Delhi

➤ Ophthalmology in New Delhi ➤ 1 clinic Addresses $ Prices for treatments and diagnostics ☺ 3 reviews ✎ Make an appointment ✉ 4,147 patients are sent for treatment

General information

The ophthalmology in the last decades develops very violently - all new methods of diagnosis of difficult diseases of eyes at early stages, their treatments, correction of sight with use of laser technologies, partial and full prosthetics appear. Foreign experts one of the first introduce all latest techniques in practice thanks to what the ophthalmology abroad achieved considerable success. Exactly there come patients from the different countries of the world to receive the qualified help.

Ophthalmologic clinics abroad are engaged in diagnostics and treatment of the following problems:

  • sight violations (short-sightedness, far-sightedness, astigmatism);
  • glaucoma;
  • cataract;
  • tumors of eyes;
  • squint;
  • congenital anomalies of a structure of organs of vision;
  • injuries of eyes;
  • plastic surgery century.

Besides the listed enough widespread problems, foreign ophthalmologists are engaged in treatment of more rare and difficult diseases which in many other countries are considered as incurable.

You can call to +74954812786​ or The medical consultant will tell about all aspects of treatment in India .
У меня наблюдалось аномальное кровотечение во время менструального цикла и я часто ходила к доктору по этому вопросу. Он мне говорил, что если болей нет, то это нормально! Ну я так и ходила месяца три, пока не уехала с мужем в отпуск в Индию. Через...
Юлия, 35 years
We found 1 clinic specialized in ophthalmology with cumulative rating
Best choice!
Specialist hospital "Primus"
Modern multidisciplinary clinic Primus Super Specialty Hospital is very popular with foreign patients. The hospital has neurosurgery, reproductive, orthopedic, and many other offices.
Contact clinic
+74954812786​ (free)
English speaking staff
Since childhood I was tormented by this problem as watery eyes eyes. Eyes were watering from the bright light, from the sun, from snow, from wind... Makeup in General in the winter it was impossible to do everything flowed. In Russia, the doctors told me that this is the usual sensitivity of the eye and there's nothing you can do. But that all changed after treatment in the clinic Hangil. Ophthalmologists not only delivered me from this disease, but also gave effective recommendations for prevention of this disease.
I want to Express my gratitude to the hospital staff and your doctor for a successful operation for cataract treatment. Already having lost all hope, and barely surviving several operations on eyes (can not tolerate anesthesia), I began to look for a special clinic on the Internet. I read an article about the dynasty of the fernández-VEGA ophthalmological Institute in which every year several thousand patients are treated the same disease that I have. Selling a house in Odintsovo (Moscow oblast), I'm using the portal block, was able to successfully cure cataracts!
I want to share my knowledge about medical tourism. I treated my angle-closure glaucoma in a medical clinic "Hengill" in Seoul. Beautiful 10-storey building professional and courteous staff. For this trip I took only a passport, medical documents translated into English and an invitation from the hospital, with the indication of contacts.
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