Childbirth in Germany
12,408 patients are sent for treatment

Leading medical centres and clinics specialized in childbirth in Germany

➤ Childbirth in Germany ➤ 4 clinics Addresses $ Prices for treatments and diagnostics ☺ 17 reviews ✎ Make an appointment ✉ 12,408 patients are sent for treatment

General information

Childbirth for rubezhomvybirat more and more families, and it is explainable, considering the high level of obstetrics in this country and a set of positive reviews on Internet open spaces. Even if pregnancy proceeds normally, there is a wish that the child was born under control of qualified specialists. At pathology of pregnancy and possible complications in labor of the reasons to address to clinic with reliable reputation becomes even more.

How many there is childbirth abroad?

The prices of childbirth abroad vary in considerable limits and depend on several factors:

  • Level of chambers and general service.
  • Popularity of clinic (in some cases it is necessary to pay in addition for the known name).
  • Existence of complications of pregnancy, need of additional researches and manipulations.
  • Features of childbirth: Cesarean section abroad is more expensive, than usual physiological childbirth.
  • Existence of infections which can be transmitted to a fruit at the time of delivery demands special technology of their carrying out. For example, abroad there is an opportunity to organize childbirth with HIV.

Childbirth abroad for Russians

Today there is a fulfilled scheme of the organization of childbirth abroad for Russians. It is enough to send to the intermediary documents on pregnancy course which will be transferred to the chosen clinic and to arrive a month before childbirth. The preliminary arrival will save from risk of childbirth on the plane or the emergency childbirth before performance of necessary inspection.

You can call to +74954812786​ or The medical consultant will tell about all aspects of treatment in Germany .
Элина_Гордиенко запишитесь к Даниелю Кендоффу – он классный ортопед-травматолог. Приеал к нему по поводу разрыва крестообразной связки, думал раскрят колено полностью, год не смогу нормально ходить! На деле оказалось всё гораздо проще: доктор...
​ВасильеВ, 0 years
We found 4 clinics specialized in childbirth with cumulative rating
The clinic is certified by:Joint Commission International (JCI) is the biggest and most well-known hospital accreditation provider on the international market
Best choice!
The Helios clinic Berlin-Buch (HELIOS-BUCH)
A Multidisciplinary Helios clinic Berlin-Buch (HELIOS-BUCH) included in the group of private clinics HELIOS Hospital Group (Germany) - one of the largest healthcare corporations in Europe. The clinic provides patients services in virtually all areas ...
Contact clinic
+74954812786​ (free)
English speaking staff
The clinic is certified by:Joint Commission International (JCI) is the biggest and most well-known hospital accreditation provider on the international market
Reliable alternative!
International medical centre ", Vivantes" (Berlin)
The German health network , Vivantes" is the largest state network of clinics in Germany. Serving 500,000 patients annually, "Vivantes" is a leading group of hospitals in Berlin where he works a more than 13 000 employees, 9 locations in which a ...
Contact clinic
+74954812786​ (free)
English speaking staff
Clinic Luisenhospital
Luisenhospital is one of the most modern clinical complexes in Europe. There are medical specialists providing services in various fields of medicine, conducted thousands of operations, including the rare techniques and technologies.
Contact clinic
+74954812786​ (free)
English speaking staff
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The best doctors of Germany
Doctor  Dirk Kromelink Dirk Kromelink

A A leading specialist-gynecologist, head of the department of gynecology, obstetrics and mammalogy.

Doctor  Kurt Khekher Kurt Khekher

He specializes in providing care and treatment to expectant mothers and unborn children.

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