Academic clinic Cologne Merheim-Holweide is an excellent University clinics, where the luminaries of medicine teach gifted young doctors. These medical centers use the latest achievements for the successful, gentle, rapid treatment of patients. Complex academic hospitals glorified minimally invasive modern surgical treatment with the use of robotics, laparoscopic and endoscopic techniques.
In the Academic hospital Cologne Merheim-Holweide the condition of patients is constantly monitored by experienced famous doctors, as well as talented young professionals. It treats patients great endocrinologist Professor Eisenberger, obstetrician-gynecologist Professor Neuhaus and other professionals of global significance.
Academic clinic Cologne Merheim-Holweide secured the best equipment for a complete examination, therapeutic and surgical treatment.
In the Academic hospital Cologne Merheim-Holweide unable to effective treatment, respect and a comfortable in-patient conditions, patients with oncological, pulmonology, endocrine and other violations.
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