Christian medical College and hospital is a multidisciplinary clinic, the specialists of which not only provide services in different areas of medicine, but also engaged in scientific activity. The structure of the organization consists of six private laboratories — Virology, biochemistry, Microbiology, immunohematology, General pathology, transfusion medicine — therefore, formulation of diagnoses and examination of patients, physicians centre is a record short periods of time.
the Staff of the Christian medical hospital prefer minimally invasive methods of treatment, therefore, achieve brilliant results, without adverse effects on organs and tissues near pathological focus. Available 3D ultrasound machines, modern scanners, CT scanners, and an innovative video surveillance system that allows you to remove a malignant tumor.
Patients Christian medical College and hospital after rehabilitation treatment can undergo comprehensive rehabilitation. Wishing as quickly as possible to return home is given an individual plan of rehabilitation measures, which includes such items as menus, exercise therapy, physiotherapy and others.
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