Leading medical centres and clinics specialized in heart surgery in India
➤ Heart surgery in India ➤ 2 clinics Addresses $ Prices for treatments and diagnostics ☺ 7 reviews ✎ Make an appointment ✉ 4,153 patients are sent for treatment
The medical consultant will tell about all aspects of treatment in India .
Перед отлетом в Индию болел живот, срочно требовалось посетить врача. но билеты сдавать и отменять бронь в отеле не хотелось, да и возможности не было.. я через интернет нашла хорошую клинику с положительными отзывами. Только прилетев, я побежала...
The flagship hospital of FORTIS KHELSKEA - India's largest and one of the fastest growing in Asia, a network of hospitals operating in 11 countries:
Offers medical services at the highest international level thanks to the combination of highly ...
The most famous Indian world-class transplant, on account of Dr. svyashe 30 thousand. Successful heart surgery, including dozens of heart transplants for children