KyberKnife Centre was established in Warsaw in 2012. Today the clinic specializing on non-invasive treatment of malignant and benign tumors using cyber knife, neurosurgery and radiotherapy. Since its inception, more than 400 patients have undergone surgery to remove tumors methods robotic radiosurgery.
the part of the medical center, one of the few in Poland with accreditation to ISO 9001 includes 2 main divisions:
the Main focus is on the expansion and improvement of technology operations using the cyber-knife — techniques and does not require anesthesia, excision and long-term recovery, eliminating the risk of infection or pain during execution.
the clinic provides facilities for patients of all categories, including those with disabilities. Also on-site medical centre has Parking with allocated places for the disabled, cafe, access point to wireless Internet. On request, patients are provided with translation services, airport pickup, chauffeur, organization of tourist activities and car hire.
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