My diagnosis was mitral valve prolapse in 7 month of pregnancy. I was confused when I heard the doctor's diagnosis, was afraid for the baby and for childchildbirth, because cesarean did not want, and to go even with a belly I had 2 months! Decided to go to a good clinic, good finances allow. Via Internet forum, learned about the Medical center Ajou. Through the organizers of treatment going to go there in a month. A good hospital with experienced doctors. I read a lot about it and has become less afraid. Hope all is well!
Did rhinoplasty in the Medical center Ajou. Chosen a lot of places where you could do this operation, but my mother in law's friend just traveled there for the surgery. She then pushed me and discard the rest of the options and go to Korea, because there is still a great climate. The price of the operation was normal, even cheaper than in Moscow clinics. Well, the rehabilitation period I was abroad, so I was a "beauty" with a swollen face no one has seen from friends or acquaintances. Completely happy with the result!
As a result of industrial injury I was the displacement of the vertebrae of the cervical (Lordosis C2-C3 and Antelopes C4-C5). Thought once I survived an industrial accident, I'm not in danger! It turned out that antelopes can lead to death. The doctors shrugged and said that you need to look for a good specialist. My wife on the portal contacted the Manager to it, in my case, I found a good clinic with excellent postoperative care. I was given a choice of overseas clinics, but I chose the Medical center of Ajou, as there are specialists working with the most severe cases. Now go through there diagnostics. The result is I can't tell yet, as it takes time.