the University hospital in Heidelberg is one of the largest academic centres in Europe, the base of which are Nobel prize winners for achievements in the field of medicine. The center is the second largest in Germany. Administratively it consists of 42 specialized clinics, which are attended more than 7 thousand qualified professionals.
Doctors at the University hospital in Heidelberg, working in areas such as Oncology, dermatology, surgery, orthopedics, ophthalmology, ENT, and some others. The merits of local doctors are first successfully implemented in Germany surgery to remove the kidney and tumor of the prostate through the abdomen and directly.
Employees of the University hospital in Heidelberg boldly adopt new methods of treating diseases and give their patients the opportunity to lead a normal life, avoid disability. At work they use the latest therapeutic and diagnostic equipment high — precision computer and magnetic resonance tomographs, devices for endoscopy and extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy, robotic system "Da Vinci".
the University clinic in Heidelberg are treating sleep disorders. Here works Department for the care of the terminally ill.
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