I was treated in a center named after Yitzhak Rabin from breast cancer. When I was diagnosed, back in Russia, I immediately decided that I would be treated abroad, since I heard about different approaches to the treatment of breast cancer in different countries. The clinic of Rabin I chose because it is considered the best cancer center in Israel and has great potential for all kinds of therapy. Now, when I had surgery, I underwent a course of radiation, go to the Medical center named after Yitzhak Rabin for examinations, and all is well.
I don't have any special health problems, do not go to the hospitals, do not like, and have no time, but the idea that it would be nice to pass some inspection, comes to me by the times. When I heard from friends is that you can come to Israel, good clinic in which in one day will do a bunch of research, was very interested. Is not so expensive, it can be finished quickly, at a high level, in addition to take a little vacation — to combine the examination with the rest of the sea. So I got in Rabin medical center. Fortunately, nothing bad I have not found, so we can continue to live and be happy.
Remember how it all began, I hate still. Weakness, malaise, fatigue, the doctor suspected corny low hemoglobin, was sent for a blood test and suddenly it found tumor cells. Rechecked, did a bone marrow puncture — the diagnosis was confirmed, a cancer of the blood, leukemia. Of course, I admit that in Russia I would be cured, I suppose, that luck would be with drugs (cancer patients, they are often not enough or is effective is administered useless and expensive replacement). However, I immediately decided: going to be treated in Israel, at least partially, but there. With a choice of clinic, the question was not — I come from several sources received confirmation that the Medical center named after Yitzhak Rabin — the best cancer treatment in the country. There clinical some University, and the latest techniques, and treatment outcomes (survival, absence of metastases) are much better than in many other clinics. The treatment was long. I was lucky that he was the right person to stay, but in principle next to the clinic there are special apartments for patients and their relatives. In General, without going into details, of course, it was hard, both physically and mentally. But the attitude of the staff, the atmosphere made the treatment as comfortable as possible, for which I am very grateful to the doctors and nurses.