Vegetative-vascular dystonia, the same "mysterious" VSD, according to statistics, exasperated, and does not live 75% of the adult population. Even worse is that 20% of children suffer from VSD. Unfair nature of this issue has done to the weaker sex - women suffer from the disease 3 times more often than men.
the Symptoms of dystonia cannot be allocated to one group. There may be headaches, dizziness, and fainting, and shortness of breath and pressure jumps, and respiratory spasms. Yes, a couple of dozen symptoms can be attributed to the IRR. Perhaps that is why this disease is not recognized by the international community as a separate disease, it is considered just a set of symptoms.
Vegetative-vascular dystonia - a condition in which varying degrees of disturbed autonomic regulation. Such patients are often treated by neurologists or neurologists. In some cases, hospitalization is required. recommends only those doctors and technology, which are recognized as best in the world.
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