Treatment in clinics of Essen

4 clinics in Essen specialized in different diseases.
The checked comments on doctors and clinics.
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You can call to +74954812786​ or The medical consultant will tell about all aspects of treatment Essen .
I removed 2 of atheroma in the leg. One on the joint of the ankle, the second knee. The operation lasted 3 hours, very difficult it was. After the operation there was a feeling that did not disappear, although the doctors said that everything is...
Irina, 36 years
Leading clinics in Essen
Alfried Krupp Hospital in Essen-Ruettenscheid 
Clinic of traditional medicine. Is specializing on patient care with the use of advanced diagnostic technologies and therapeutic methods.
Contact clinic
+74954812786​ (free)
English speaking staff
Clinic Preventicum
Clinic offers complete diagnosis of the organism in combination with modern equipment in a relaxed atmosphere and in one place.
Contact clinic
+74954812786​ (free)
English speaking staff
The best doctors of Essen
Doctor  Wolf-Diter Lyudvig Wolf-Diter Lyudvig

Head of the Department of Hematology, Oncology and Tumor Immunology.

Doctor  Maynkhard Balensiphen Maynkhard Balensiphen

Head of the Department of replacement.

Doctor  Marko Niderteman Marko Niderteman

A prominent surgeon, specializes in providing a wide range of surgical services - from simple to complex treatment of oncological operations.

Doctor  Klaus Fridrikh Vashke Klaus Fridrikh Vashke

A A leading specialist anesthetist, head of the department of anesthesia, intensive care and pain therapy.

Doctor  Regine Getye Regine Getye

A A leading specialist-gynecologist, head of the department of gynecology and obstetrics

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