Anemia treatment in clinics abroad
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Anemia treatment in leading medical centres abroad

➤ Anemia treatment ➤ 78 clinics Addresses $ Prices for treatments and diagnostics ☺ 276 reviews ✎ Make an appointment ✉ 890 patients are sent for treatment

Congenital anemia and deficiencies of anticoagulants is a very common and diverse disease worldwide.

When people say "anemic", it just seems pale and exhausted creature, necessarily dreary and dull eyes. But this is a description of the main symptoms of the disease, in addition to them, there is more yellowness of the skin, tendency to syncope, tachycardia. Some are beginning to attract a nasty smell (typical during pregnancy).

Anemia ("anemia") is a deficiency of hemoglobin in the erythrocytes, is below 110 g/l or a small number of red blood cells themselves. Congenital anemia and deficiency anticoagulants are the result of transmission of an abnormal gene from one or both parents. recommends only those doctors and technology, which are recognized as best in the world.

We found 78 clinics specialized in anemia with cumulative rating
The Burdenko Main Military Clinical Hospital specialised on treatment anemia
Children's Medical Center Schneider include: the national Center of Hematology-Oncology,Institute of pediatric cardiology, Institute of pediatric urology, Institute of pediatric gastroenterology and nutrition, Children's orthopedic service, Center ...
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+74954812786​ (free)
English speaking staff
Russian scientific center of surgery named after academician B. V. Petrovsky specialised on treatment anemia
Petrovsky national research center of them. Acad. B. V. Petrovsky is the leading medical institution for diagnosis, treatment and rehabilitation of patients after carrying out unique operations. The main directions of the clinic is a cardiac ...
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+74954812786​ (free)
English speaking staff
Medical center Barzilai specialised on treatment anemia
Barzilai medical center is one of the best clinics of Israel, where patients of all ages can undergo a full examination and treatment of various pathologic diseases.
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+74954812786​ (free)
English speaking staff
Urash university clinic specialised on treatment anemia
University hospital URSA Bydgoszcz - multi-state medical institution of Poland. The clinic provides comprehensive servants for the treatment of children on a global level.
Main branches:
Oncology , Surgery , Pediatrics
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+74954812786​ (free)
English speaking staff
The University children's hospital specialised on treatment anemia
In the clinic provide medical care to children that meet the best world standards. The center is among the leading country in the field of cancer treatment.
Contact clinic
+74954812786​ (free)
English speaking staff
Clinic Max Grundig specialised on treatment anemia
Quality medicine, personal care, good service - all this combined with the Max Grundig. The clinic offers preventive medicine, treatment of existing problems and rehabilitation.
Contact clinic
+74954812786​ (free)
English speaking staff
Immediately after the childbirth of my child was completely healthy, at least so the doctors said. However, it is very bad eating and came to the ground, then began to get sick, always have some infection, which is also poorly developed. We decided to explore son abroad, began to choose hospital. Stopped at Poland – and still closer and cheaper, the reviews are very good. About Medicover clinic I told the pediatrician, and then I began to look for information on the Internet. Before we go for treatment, I consulted with a doctor from the clinic Medicover, she gave me advice on examination. Some of the assignments I did in Russia, after all it's cheaper, but most surveys were carried out already in Warsaw. It seemed to me that I should, because and laboratory tests, and other methods may have different rules in different countries. As a result of the child revealed a rare disease-congenital immunodeficiency who require permanent replacement therapy. As soon as he started to get it turned into an ordinary child and soon caught up with their peers in height and weight.
Remember how it all began, I hate still. Weakness, malaise, fatigue, the doctor suspected corny low hemoglobin, was sent for a blood test and suddenly it found tumor cells. Rechecked, did a bone marrow puncture — the diagnosis was confirmed, a cancer of the blood, leukemia. Of course, I admit that in Russia I would be cured, I suppose, that luck would be with drugs (cancer patients, they are often not enough or is effective is administered useless and expensive replacement). However, I immediately decided: going to be treated in Israel, at least partially, but there. With a choice of clinic, the question was not — I come from several sources received confirmation that the Medical center named after Yitzhak Rabin — the best cancer treatment in the country. There clinical some  University, and the latest techniques, and treatment outcomes (survival, absence of metastases) are much better than in many other clinics. The treatment was long. I was lucky that he was the right person to stay, but in principle next to the clinic there are special apartments for patients and their relatives. In General, without going into details, of course, it was hard, both physically and mentally. But the attitude of the staff, the atmosphere made the treatment as comfortable as possible, for which I am very grateful to the doctors and nurses.  
In the clinic. Chaim Sheba we treated the grandson from leukemia. I chose this hospital, as the results for the treatment of leukemia in children is one of the best. I liked that everything is clear and worked out, I think the chemo is important. We have now finished a course of intensive therapy, take pills, do shots once a week already in Russia. I really hope that everything will be fine.
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