Pulmonology in Russia
38,793 patients are sent for treatment

Leading medical centres and clinics specialized in pulmonology in Russia

➤ Pulmonology in Russia ➤ 11 clinics Addresses $ Prices for treatments and diagnostics ☺ 24 reviews ✎ Make an appointment ✉ 38,793 patients are sent for treatment

General information

The list of diseases in which diagnosis and treatment the pulmonology is engaged is quite wide. These are sharp and chronic diseases of bronchopulmonary system, including congenital. Sharp diseases usually have infectious character, their danger consists in bystry development, a heavy current and a possibility of complications, synchronization without adequate treatment. With chronic diseases patients should live all life, whenever possible avoiding aggravations.

The main directions of pulmonology in clinics abroad

  • Oncology.
  • Bronchial asthma.
  • Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Diseases (COPD).
  • Tuberculosis and its consequences.
  • Heavy congenital pathology (deformations of bronchial tubes and pulmonary fabric).

Features of pulmonology abroad

An integrated approach abroad practices in clinics, that is pulmonologists closely cooperate with thoracic surgeons, oncologists, phthisiatricians, infectiologists. Experts have regular vocational training and serious certification. The separate mention is deserved by the modern equipment considerably increasing overall performance of doctors. All this allows to treat successfully the most different diseases of bronchopulmonary system.

You can call to +74954812786​ or The medical consultant will tell about all aspects of treatment in Russia .
Thank you very much doctor with the Golden hands! He held her son's surgery to remove the epileptic focus. Simply brilliant, brilliantly! MRI monitoring, and EKG – all shows – hearth is no more. After surgery – NO PAIN! You just don't know what it...
Irina, 33 years
We found 11 clinics specialized in pulmonology with cumulative rating
Best choice!
Medical Diagnostic Center (MDC) PATERO CLINICS
The clinic provides services focusing on European quality standards and using state of the art medical technology.
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+74954812786​ (free)
English speaking staff
Reliable alternative!
European medical center (EMC)
European medical center is providing its services according to international standards, as evidenced by the large volume of patients - more than 250 thousand a year. specializing clinic for plastic surgery, dermatology, General surgery ...
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+74954812786​ (free)
English speaking staff
Central children's clinical hospital
Central children's clinical hospital Federal mediko-biological Agency provides a full range of services in diagnostics and treatment of children's diseases.
Contact clinic
+74954812786​ (free)
English speaking staff
The Burdenko Main Military Clinical Hospital
Children's Medical Center Schneider include: the national Center of Hematology-Oncology,Institute of pediatric cardiology, Institute of pediatric urology, Institute of pediatric gastroenterology and nutrition, Children's orthopedic service, Center ...
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+74954812786​ (free)
English speaking staff
Federal"Clinical hospital" of administrative Department of the President of the Russian Federation
Modern multidisciplinary clinic providing a full range of diagnostic and treatment services.
Contact clinic
+74954812786​ (free)
English speaking staff
Center of Endosurgery and Lithotripsy
Center of Endosurgery and Lithotripsy is a multidisciplinary medical facility providing patients the following services: treatment of dental diseases, radiology, intensive care, anesthesiology, radiology, cardiovascular surgery, obesity surgery and ...
Contact clinic
+74954812786​ (free)
English speaking staff
Russian scientific center of surgery named after academician B. V. Petrovsky
Petrovsky national research center of them. Acad. B. V. Petrovsky is the leading medical institution for diagnosis, treatment and rehabilitation of patients after carrying out unique operations. The main directions of the clinic is a cardiac ...
Contact clinic
+74954812786​ (free)
English speaking staff
Central hospital TCF
Central clinical hospital of the Federal Customs Service of Russia is a multidisciplinary medical institution is fixed. Every year there are more than 2,000 operations and treating more than 4,000 patients in areas such as traumatology, proctology ...
Contact clinic
+74954812786​ (free)
English speaking staff
Central clinical hospital of the Russian Academy of Sciences (CDB Sciences)
Central clinical hospital of the Russian Academy of Sciences is the Russia's largest multidisciplinary clinic structure of the Russian Academy of Sciences. The hospital is equipped with the latest equipment, inpatient 600 beds, 14 operating and a ...
Contact clinic
+74954812786​ (free)
English speaking staff
I was treated at the clinic Ichilov 2 years ago about pulmonary fibrosis and developed on the background of respiratory failure. Still don't know what disease it is, and where she took me. I only know that in Russia the treatment did not help, and in the medical center Ichilov – helped.
Typing this review, I'm having contoversial feelings with Sheba. The doctors were brilliant and really helped me with treatment. We've arrvived to Tel-Aviv together with my wife tryaing to fix bronchical asthma.But the service... Actually it can't be even called service, it's an attitude. We've successfully completed two phases of treatment and agreed that they will send us the medicine to Ukraine.About two weeks ago we've contacted the consultant and asked to send us the medicine. After one week of waiting (!) they sent us the response, that we have to provide all information about our credit card, including CVV to do that and there is no any way to pay for medicine. Even when we said that such operation contradicts all possible financial secure operational standarts, they said that send us or come to Israel for it.We dicided to contact the international consultant, that organized our visit to Sheba, his name is Feliks Goldbert. We started discussion trying to find solution, but Feliks replied pay or shut up. Then we've said that it's not the correct approach, that we're the clients, why are you talking with us in such a way. CVV is a secret information and I can't give this info to third parties. I started talking about service , then, in a few words, Feliks said that he would never deal with my country and its service, Ukraine and then droped the call.I was really suprised by his reaction. I've typed him that i do not undestand why he mentioned the Ukraine trying to find logical explanation. Then he said that as I'm from Ukraine, you shouldn't even talk about service, even if you pay. So, he treated us a thirs sort persons and third sort country. It was realy awfull, the most neutral word I can name it is NONPROFESSIONALISM.
After moving to St. Petersburg, I have no reason, no reason began bronchial asthma. Then the doctor has determined that it is from fungal spores, it is known that in the Northern capital is very high humidity. Learning portal the Docklands about good clinic for treatment of my disease, I immediately set out to visit it! Arriving at the Hospital of Kloster Grafschaft GmbH, I came back to the outpatient clinic to Friedrich Rifelman. Now I received treatment and I really hope the seizures stop. And St. Petersburg will have to move as the climate of this city does not suit me.
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The best doctors of Russia
Doctor  Yudin Aleksand Alexanderovich Yudin Aleksand Alexanderovich

Doctor of the highest category, an experienced specialist, teaches at Rnrmu them. Pirogov.

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