Neurosurgery - one of the most complex branches of medicine as is engaged in expeditious treatment of various diseases of nervous system. For rubezhomneyrokhirurg study longer, than doctors of other specialties, pass multistage system of certification as the slightest mistake during operation can make the patient the disabled person. At the same time neurosurgeons save lives and restore physical activity, carrying out the most difficult a head and spinal cord operations: delete tumors, stop bleedings, correct congenital and post-traumatic deformations.
The operation cost on nervous system is determined it complexity, intervention volumes, level of clinic and the expert who will carry out it. In some cases use of the special equipment or expendables which can also influence the final price is necessary. If to compare the prices of neurosurgery abroad and in other countries, it is obvious that it is abroad much more favorable to be treated in clinics.
Confirmation of the high level of development of neurosurgery abroad are numerous responses, including from the patients with a serious, life-endangering illness (for example, brain cancer) who underwent treatment in this country.
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