Surgery in Moscow
38,726 patients are sent for treatment

Surgery in clinics of Moscow

➤ Surgery in Moscow ➤ 25 clinics Addresses $ Prices for treatments and diagnostics ☺ 65 reviews ✎ Make an appointment ✉ 38,726 patients are sent for treatment

Surgery abroad

Fundamental difference of foreign surgery is the emphasis on the sparing and innovative low-invasive techniques and cross-disciplinary approach to rehabilitation. From the moment of receipt to clinic before planned operation, as a rule, there go no more than 3 days - this time enough for comprehensive inspection and preparation.

Specifics of recovery operations abroad

For recovery of the patient experts of adjacent areas are attracted, and when planning medical programs many clinics offer the integrated service on the ViTEP system.

Abroad treat the key directions of surgery:

  • the general;
  • visceral;
  • thoracic;
  • plastic;
  • sports.

Also at the highest level in specialized clinics are developed:

  • nursery and heart surgery,
  • operational treatment of problems of orthopedics and traumatology.

Technologies of carrying out surgeries abroad

At the disposal of foreign surgeons - the fullest of all possible diagnostic base, constant the improved techniques of carrying out operations and the subsequent restoration, qualitative pharmacological means.

Moreover, the considerable public funds allowing not only to develop new technologies, but also to provide the maximum comfort to patients are invested in development of medicine and corresponding infrastructure.

You can call to +74954812786​ or The medical consultant will tell about all aspects of treatment in Russia .
После перенесенного инфаркта меня положили в кардиологическое отделение больницы по месту жительства для обследования. До этого я не испытывала особых проблем, недомогание и боли списывала на возраст, в общем, к врачам не обращалась. И вдруг такая...
Татьяна, 50 years

Diagnostics and treatment prices

7500$ - 27000$
A Surgery to Remove Part of the Lung
Price request
3000$ - 17000$
Minimally Invasive Surgery for Lung Resection
Price request
80$ - 900$
Spinal Rehabilitation
Price request
170$ - 270$
Orthopedic Rehabilitation
Price request
Surgery in clinics of Moscow ➤ Surgery in Moscow, ➤ 25 clinics, Addresses, $ Prices for treatments and diagnostics, ☺ 65 reviews, ✎ Make an appointment, ✉ 38,726 patients are sent for treatment
80 27000 USD
We found 25 clinics specialized in surgery with cumulative rating
Best choice!
Clinical hospital on Yauza
A multidisciplinary center with a hospital, ambulance and genetic laboratory. The clinic is an active research activity.
Contact clinic
+74954812786​ (free)
English speaking staff
Medical rehabilitation center of the Ministry of health (LRC)
Medical rehabilitation center — one of the first medical institutions in Russia, which introduced the European standards in health care: proactive diagnosis and modern gentle treatment, rehabilitation for a speedy return to a normal quality of life.
Contact clinic
+74954812786​ (free)
English speaking staff
Clinical hospital №85 of FMBA of Russia
Clinical hospital №85 of FMBA of Russia is a modern medical institution providing patient services such as: diagnosis, treatment, rehabilitation, and preventive medicine.
Contact clinic
+74954812786​ (free)
English speaking staff
National medical surgical center named after N. And. Pirogov
National medical surgical center named after N. And. Pirogov is considered a leading diversified medical institution of Russia. Medical center has been operating for over one hundred years, has its own Museum in St. Peterburge, a rich history and ...
Contact clinic
+74954812786​ (free)
English speaking staff
European medical center (EMC)
European medical center is providing its services according to international standards, as evidenced by the large volume of patients - more than 250 thousand a year. specializing clinic for plastic surgery, dermatology, General surgery ...
Contact clinic
+74954812786​ (free)
English speaking staff
Medical Diagnostic Center (MDC) PATERO CLINICS
The clinic provides services focusing on European quality standards and using state of the art medical technology.
Contact clinic
+74954812786​ (free)
English speaking staff
Central children's clinical hospital
Central children's clinical hospital Federal mediko-biological Agency provides a full range of services in diagnostics and treatment of children's diseases.
Contact clinic
+74954812786​ (free)
English speaking staff
The Burdenko Main Military Clinical Hospital
Children's Medical Center Schneider include: the national Center of Hematology-Oncology,Institute of pediatric cardiology, Institute of pediatric urology, Institute of pediatric gastroenterology and nutrition, Children's orthopedic service, Center ...
Contact clinic
+74954812786​ (free)
English speaking staff
prof. Plinkard treated my brother.This is not a review to defame the man.. It is intended as a good deed to warn others to avoid a catastrophic mistake. This Doctor is an Idiot (This is a description, not intended as an insult).Stay away!! The professor is incompetent to run his department, and his incompetence is reflected in all the staff working under him. Its a shame that the department in such a reputable hospital in run by this man.
Definitely not only me suffer from the problem of baldness , but for many bald are fit and gives some visual appeal! But with bald I look like some mushroom-ceps. So I have long wanted to start treatment, but never has time for it. I just turned 36 and I decided to please myself and still spend money on this procedure. Got to watch the prices and recommendations of satisfied patients. Watched a lot, but most often was flashed the name of Dr. Krieg from the University clinic of Cologne. Through the organizers of the treatment applied to the clinic, I did he not know the language, and it was scary. The clinic itself was very cosy and brand new! The doctor also did such a smart guy. In General are treated here right now and already have results. I am very happy!
In Apollo hospital did heart surgery to my husband. In Russia, we passed a bunch of surveys, we were scared that the operation is very serious, you need to be ready for anything including death. As a result, we pulled, afraid to take risks, and then decided to consult one of the foreign clinics. My friends had experience in Apollo, but with another problem, stomach ulcers. They were very pleased and strongly recommend it, even just to go for a checkup, moreover, it is not so expensive. I contacted with the clinic by the Internet, received a preliminary conclusion, by the way, encouraging and we went. So in Apollo I have never heard that my husband is terminally ill that the operation and its absence are equally dangerous. We have appointed examination, which is done very quickly, and then said that we need to operate. Yes, the operation difficult, but it is normal for this clinic, so nothing to worry about. And he said that if it went earlier, it would have been even easier. Then had mixed feelings: anger for the time spent, and relieved that it's not so bad really. Now it remains only the joy that everything went well. The operation took place without complications, it has been 2 years we are observed, but no problem.
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The best doctors of Russia
Doctor  Evseev Maksim Alexanderovich Evseev Maksim Alexanderovich

Conducts surgical treatment of patients with benign and malignant pathologies gerniologicheskie intervention, specializes in abdominal surgery.

Doctor  Protasov Andrey Vitalyevich Protasov Andrey Vitalyevich

Renowned surgeon specializing in laparoscopic surgery and herniology.

Doctor  Malygin Evgeny Nikitovich Malygin Evgeny Nikitovich

A specialist in the treatment of cancer of the mammary glands, conducts reconstructive and plastic surgery in the chest.

Doctor  Egiev Valeriy Nikolaevich Egiev Valeriy Nikolaevich

One of Russia's A leading surgeons. He runs about 400 operations a year. Resigned

Doctor  Apostolidi Konstantin Georgievich Apostolidi Konstantin Georgievich

Head of department, MD, associate professor, doctor of higher category, corresponding member of the Academy of Natural Sciences.

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